San Francisco Pride 2019
West Coast Space X Launch 2018
Yosemite Feb 2018
Yosemite Feb 2018
I took 5 Minolta 35mm cameras to Yosemite in 2018
All of the cameras were loaded with regular Fujifilm Ultramax 400 and 800. But one was loaded with film that was at least 15 years expired. That was the one that was used to shoot the landscapes of the valley. It wasn’t planned because i lost track of what camera had which film. But the results where none the less great to see developed.
Women’s March 2017
Women’s March 2017
The Women’s march of 2017
It was a great experience to be in solidarity with so many people. Los Angeles is a real great city to demonstrate for decency and human rights. I wish something like this could be done to help treat mental illness and the growing tsunami of homelessness that is in the city.